Friday, February 25, 2011

Last night was 'Frock up Friday' at the Tuxedo Cat. Which means guys and girls are supposed to wear a dress. Not having one of my own, Amy, who also does a show here, was nice enough to lend me one. The last time I can remember ever wearing a dress was when I was about 6 or 7 years old, when my sister dressed me up and showed me off the the neighbors.
It was a busy night at out back at the beer garden in the back of the Tuxedo Cat. I also went over to the Fringe Artist Bar which is in a park. That seems to be the one place where I've been able to log some hours on the dance floor (I did de-frock myself before heading out on the town). The artist bar ended up closing at 3am, with the last song being 'Echo Beach'. Not a bad tune, but I can't say it was the most satisfying way to cap off a dance party.
I ended up back at the Tuxedo Cat, until around 5am. At one point I fell asleep and woke up to some beer being poured down my sock. I have since discovered that it is a custom (at least in Adelaide, if not Australia) that you can fuck with someone if they fall asleep with their shoes on. However, if you have enough presence of mind to take your shoes off before you pass out in front of people, no one can touch you.
Shows have been selling well. I should be able to cover my airplane ticket by the time this Adelaide season is through, not the norm for a first time at a fringe, and I'm very excited about it. The response has been so positive that I'm already trying to figure out what to put together for next year.
I've also decided to take my show to the Edinburgh Fringe in Scotland this year. Normally you are supposed to lose ten to fifteen thousand dollars your first trip out there, but I've since discovered that there is a 'Free Fringe' option, where you basically do your show in a smaller pub, do the show for free, and just pass a hat out after the show. This way your not shelling out thousands of dollars for a venue, and could actually end up making a bit of money. DeAnne and Sarah came in last night.
Got another show in an hour. Going to put my head on,

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